Causes of Mould Build-up
What causes moulds to build up? The answer is moisture – a vital component of mould growth and build-up. But how does moisture enter our home and create mould problems?
There are many factors that come into play when it comes to moisture. Among the most common causes are leaky roofs, broken water pipes and floods. Moulds are known to grow quickly given these circumstances and can pose serious health complications like asthma, bronchitis and more when left untreated.
Moisture can seep through the living spaces and cause mould to grow in home interiors, along walls and under tiles and carpets. Common culprits include air drying of clothes indoors, moisture from appliances like refrigerators, washing machines and clothes dryers. Lastly, poor ventilation and exhaust systems inside the structure in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens can also promote condensation that creates moisture.
Aside from moisture, mould also needs organic matter in order to grow and thrive. The best examples are dust and dead skin cells. This brings us to the importance of regular cleaning and vacuuming of every nook and cranny of your house.
Mould Growth and Buildup Prevention
Prevention is the best choice when handling mould growth inside our homes. One of the places where mould grows rapidly is the bathroom. To prevent mould, install an exhaust fan inside and use it all times the shower or bath is in use. Wiping wet areas with a dry towel after you take a shower or have a bath can also make a significant difference.. It is also important to make sure to clean these areas regularly to prevent mould build-up.
As you may already know, moulds are known to cause health hazards. Mould often finds its way between the silicone and grout of bathroom fixtures. When mould develops, it roots itself to the surface of the grout or silicone and grows. This means, while you can clean the surface, mould will tend to grow back again because it has laid down its roots. The best option here is to change the grout or silicone.
Without proper ventilation inside your house, you become vulnerable to mould growth and its side-effects. Always make sure your house is properly ventilated, open the windows and let the air flow inside.
If you’re having problems with mould, it is best to call in the assistance of mould removal experts. As we all know, nothing beats enjoying total peace of mind knowing your home is clean and your loved ones are safe from the health risks that comes with mould.
Mould Doctor SA offers professional mould removal services at reasonable rates. Contact us today.